EloView® Feature Release

Device Version

  • 1.15.26 for I-Series
  • 2.4.51 for PayPoint Android

The EloView product team is excited to announce a feature and performance update to EloView. This update will result in a downtime on the portal (see details below).

Key Updates to Web Portal

  • You can now select the sequence in which the applications are installed in a Bundle – this will allow you greater control on how applications are installed on I-Series devices.
  • Dynamic filters now suggest text you type, making it easier to assemble advanced filter criteria.
  • We have made significant performance improvements to increase speed and scalability.
  • Efficient messaging between devices and cloud.
  • Upgrades to back-end infrastructure to support large number of devices.
  • Upgrades to speed up the portal experience for users.

Key Updates to I-Series Devices

  • We have added support for four new peripheral devices on I-Series: APG cash-drawer, Epson TM-88 printer, Motorola DS-4308 handheld 2D scanner, Verifone IPP320 payment device. The I-Series SDK (available on https://manage.eloview.com).
  • Resolved an issue where, if using a keyboard with Android Navigation Bar enabled, in some cases the Android Nav Bar could become invisible.

Key Updates to PayPoint (Android) Devices

  • You can now install multiple apps on a PayPoint device using the app Bundle feature in EloView. Previously, this feature was only supported on the I-Series.
  • PayPoint peripheral test app now supports key injection for magnetic swipe readers (MSR). The app is now available in the PayPoint standard image in addition to being part of the SDK package.
  • You can now select single-core or dual-core operation to optimize performance.
  • Fixed an issue where, in certain cases, the OS was not freeing up memory no longer needed by a process.

Method of Distribution and Timing

  • EloView portal will be unavailable for approximately three hours while we perform this update.
  • 6 to 9 pm U.S. Eastern Time on February 13, 2017.
  • 12 to 3 AM Central European Time and 7 – 10 am China Standard time on February 14, 2017.
  • At the same time, a new device version (1.15.26 for the I-Series and 2.4.51 for PayPoint Android) will be available as an optional update through the portal for customer acceptance testing.
  • On February 20, version 1.15.26 and 2.4.51 will become the default to update from the cloud or the device control panel. You can still use other versions via Advanced OTA.
  • As always, your devices will never prompt for an update or auto-update. Once the update is available, devices can be updated from the EloView Portal or at the device-level from the EloView Control Panel.

EloView Product Team