User Activity Logging
We are excited to add the new “Activity” page in the EloView portal to log user actions. Both cloud and device side actions are logged. A variety of actions, as described below, are captured and retained for a period of three days. Logs can be searched and filtered for ease of access.

Actions Captured

Filter for Logs
When you click on the search text field, available keywords that can be chosen are listed in a wizard-style, similar to dynamic filters on the Devices page.
Filters can combine multiple criteria and can also be saved using the “Save Filter” button. Available filter criteria are listed below.
- serial: device hardware ID
- username: user full name
- useremail: user email id
- dateactioned: date action was done
- logtype: type of log (activityLog, alert, timeline)
- loglevel: log level (3/2/1)
- donefrom : Cloud / Device
- actiontype: type action; action types: 'Auth', 'User', 'Device', 'Content', 'Group', 'Filter', 'VIENNA', 'DEVICE', 'DCIO'
- actioncode: action name; listed as: 'Login', 'Logout', 'Invite', 'Add', 'Edit', 'Delete', 'Reboot', 'Reset', 'Push', 'Upload', 'Create', 'Save', 'Remove', 'EVENT', 'ON/OFF'